Enabling audiences to engage with live events during the pandemic

During the lockdown, insider launched live digital events. Bringing in a new revenue stream and enabled audiences to participate in events from their home

Being an event ticketing company, Insider’s revenue instantly fell by 70% as all events were being canceled

People resorted to youtube for entertainment, but it lacked what live events gave them – audience participation

Identifying this gap, we started about the core needs of an event goer, why do they go to these events and how might we enable that digitally?

The solution was to build digital events, centered around audience engagement

But, live events had their own problems. It need a dedicated team of event programmers to make it work

So we not only built a product around digital events for audiences, but also a complete dashboard to help event programmers manage the event live

The new product was a huge success:

Average audience participation across all events was around 3000

There was a 17% increase in website traffic, generated due to live events being shared via social media

A completely new revenue model for insider.in, which accounts for about 10% of the total revenue even today.