I’m a product designer fiercely passionate about growing products, people and knowledge.

I believe users reside at the core of everything we do, and great design is a moral imperative.

Before designing digital products, I used to design & race formula spec race-cars. It taught me the importance of detail and precision that add up to building great (and sometimes winning) products.

I studied design at IIT Bombay, where the emphasis was on iteration and a delicate approach to craft beautiful hand made forms

I also make comics sometimes. Check out more here

I’m a product designer fiercely passionate about growing products, people and knowledge.

I believe users reside at the core of everything we do, and great design is a moral imperative.

Before designing digital products, I used to design & race formula spec race-cars. It taught me the importance of detail and precision that add up to building great (and sometimes winning) products.

I studied design at IIT Bombay, where the emphasis was on iteration and a delicate approach to craft beautiful hand made forms

I also make comics sometimes.